Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


While there are commonalities across learners of all ages, young children differ from older children in many ways. Studies of young children show how learning changes across development. However, we now know that even very young children have a predisposition to learn in certain domains, and that young children are actively engaged in making sense of their world. Young children appear to be predisposed to acquire information.
These biases toward certain types of learning should pave the way for competence in early schooling. Children lack knowledge and experience, but not reasoning ability. Indeed, although young children are inexperienced, they reason with the knowledge they have. Precocious knowledge may jump-start the learning process, but because of limited experience and underdeveloped systems of logical thinking, children’s knowledge contains misconceptions. Misinformation can impede school learning, so teachers need to be aware of the ways in which children’s background knowledge influences their understanding. Such awareness should help teachers anticipate children’s confusion and recognize why children have difficulties grasping new ideas. Strategies for learning are important.
When children are required to learn about unfamiliar knowledge domains, they need to develop intentional learning strategies. Children need to understand what it means to learn, who they are as learners, and how to go about planning, monitoring and revising, to reflect upon their learning and that of others, and to learn how to determine if they understand. These metacognitive skills provide strategic competencies for learning.
The children have their own characteristics, which are different from adults. The characteristics cover their ways of thinking, their attitude, their aptitude, et cetera. They also prevail to the children’s ways of learning language. This, of course, influences the ways of teaching them. To give the best quality of teaching English to the children, the teachers should know and understand them.
Characteristic of younger and older learners
Younger learner
·      Children are at pre-school or in the first couple of years of schooling.
·      Generally they have a holistic approach to language.
·      They have a lower level of awareness about themselves as language learners as well as about process of learner.
·      They have limited writing and reading skills even in their first language.
·      Generally they are more concerned about themselves then others.
·      They have limited knowledge about the world.
·      They enjoy fantasy, imagination, and movement.
Older learner
·      These children are well established at school and comfortable with school routines.
·      They show a growing interest in analytical approaches.
·      They show growing level of awareness about themselves as language learners and their learning.
·      They have well developed skills as readers and writers.
·      They have a growing awareness of other and their viewpoints.
·      They have a growing awareness about the world around us.
·      They begin to show interest in real life issues.

 Phillips states that in learning a language, young learners respond to the language, depending on what it does or what they can do with it rather than treating it as an intellectual game or abstract system (1995: 7). Brewster (1997: 6) supports it by saying that theories of the children’s learning require that young learners be supported by moving from the abstract to the concrete and through being involved in activity. It can be understood that the children need activities that are more concrete rather than abstract and to be involved in those activities in order that they can learn the language well.
While, Brumfit (1997: v) gives a list of the characteristics which young learners share:
a. Young learners are only just beginning their schooling.
b. As a group they are potentially more differentiated than secondary or adult learners.
c. They tend to be keen and enthusiastic learners.
d. Their learning can be closely linked with their development of ideas and concepts.
e. They need physical movement and activity as much as stimulation for their thinking.
Most primary level learners will share these characteristics. Those opinions give the researcher some important notes about children’s special characteristics in learning the language. They are as the following:
a. Children respond the language well through concrete things (visual things) rather than abstract things.
b. Children need physical movements and real activities to stimulate their thinking.
c. Children will be enthusiastic if they are taught using fun activities or being involved in activities.
d. Children love to play, and learn best when they are enjoying themselves.
e. Children learn well through something that is close to their culture.
f. Children like to work together.
Knowing the characteristics is essential:
·         They have short attention span.
·         They are very active
·         They respond well to praising.
·         They differ in their experience of language
·         They are less shy than older learners.
·         They are imaginative.
·         They enjoy learning through playing.

Pinter, Annamaria. 2006. Teaching Young Language Learners. China. Oxford University Press.


Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Sanseviera si Penyedot Bau Maut

Menurut NASA polusi udara menyebabkan penyakit yang dikenal dengan nama sick building syndrome. Polutan udara yang paling banyak berasal dari asap rokok, benzene, dan formaldehida.
Sick building syndrome menyebabkan mata dan hidung panas seperti terbakar, tenggorokan panas dan kering, kelelahan kronis, kanker, menurunkan kemampuan konsentrasi, gemetar, mual, otot kram, kulit kasar dan kering, sakit kepala, hati berdebar, batuk, pilek, dan napas tersengal.
Penelitian yang dirilis oleh NASA menyimpulkan ada 10 tanaman menyerap polutan, diantaranya sansiviera, philodendron, aglaonema, spathiphyllum, dan krisan. Sansiviera menjadi pilihan utama lantaran cocok dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman indoor dan outdoor. Alasan lain, dracula’s plant itu punya jalur metabolism CAM (Crasulaceaen Acid Metabolism). Di malam hari penyerapan oksigennya sedikit sehingga tidak mengganggu proses pernapasan makhluk lain, termasuk pemilik tanaman.

Proses Serap Racun 

Menurut Lanny Lingga, pratikus tanaman hias di Bogor, lidah jin menyerap polutan dalam 2 tahap. Pertama melalui proses penangkapan dan pemecahan alias metabolic breakdown. Tanaman menangkap polutan berupa senyawa organic melalui stomata bersamaan proses respirasi, transpirasi, dan fotosintesis. Senyawa organic lalu dipecah menjadi ion yang dapat diserap jaringan tanaman.
Tahap berikutnya berbarengan dengan pengeluaran oksigen melalui akar (ini terjadi ketika tanaman melakukan proses transpirasi. Saat pelepasan oksigen berlangsung, senyawa racun yang menumpuk di jaringan akar ikut dilepas. Tanaman yang punya tingkat transpirasi-penguapan-tinggi,paling aktif menyerap polutan.
Penelitian lain oleh Wolverton Environmental Service mengungkap lidah naga menyerap senyawa kimia berbahaya seperti formaldehida, kloroform, benzene, xylene, dan trichloroethylene. Cukup menaruh 4 daun sansevieria dewasa diruang seluas 75 m2  membuat udara bebas dari polutan maut tersebut.

Kasiat Obat

Sansieviera memiliki kandungan kimiawi dan efek farmakologis yang secara klinis teruji berefek positif.
Daun memiliki rasa pedas dan bersifat netral. Ia dimanfaatkan sebagai obat bengkak, penyakit kulit seperti eksim, sakit gigi, penyubur rambut, telinga berdengung, pencegah flu, dan penawar racun binatang berbisa. Buah rasanya pahit manis, mengandung astringen, dan bersifat sejuk.
Buah bagus dipakai sebagai penurun panas, mencegah peradangan, obat batu ginjal, penyejuk tenggorokan, dan peluruh urin. Sementara akar yang tawar dan bersifat netral menjadi penawar racun, menurunkan tekanan darah, mengobati diare, sipilis, wasir, TBC kelenjar, dan sakit ulu hati. (Sumber : Evy Syariefa, Trubus : Februari 2008)